

Automating the deployment of calculations on a platform such as AWS is an important issue in order to increase the productivity of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) studies. Indeed a company should charge for the time spent developing the model and not not while performing command line sessions, which are difficult to remember when they are not practiced on a daily basis.

Drupal 10

By eifed |

The new version of eif-services.eu is now operational!

A new Drupal 10 installation was preferred over an attempt to migrate the old site from Drupal 7. After a learning phase in a homemade "sandbox", where various modules and themes were also tested, the installation/configuration procedure has been repeated on the server you are currently visiting. Then a few nuts were tightened (in a sub-theme), and finally a backup procedure was scripted.


Subversion logo
To support its IT development activities, EIF-services operates a Subversion server to which customers may get a private access, allowing them to measure in real time the progress accomplished, and also check that it does fit the specifications.